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This twitter @BlackAmericaHomeland popped up on my twitter feed one day. And the typical firey Black rhetoric popped up. But I went to this person youtube which has since been edited and I read through there bullet points which have since been taken down and it stated that White corporations would own and control his ideal state but Blacks would be the majority population. He is purposing to set up a state similar to South Africa.

This person actually tried to make Neo-Colonialism sound good by using a White talking point of the 1%. From 1517 to 2000 when talking about Racism and White Hegemony nobody talked about The 1% or none of this Neo-Communist rhetoric.

This person who could be an IMA wants to hear all African people in Southern States to work for a White-owned corporate entity.  The Japanese, Chinese nor South Koreas did this. They set up deals where they purchased the means of production and trained their people to own and sell products.

In my late teens, I and a Chinese National would discuss the future of our prospective races. I remember the Chinese Nationals saying everything is manufactured in China or Germany you don’t even need the USA or UK to develop an African Nation all you would need to do is purchase the industrial products which are for sale and use them to set up your infrastructure vs. allowing existing White corporations to have corporate control over an African nation which would actually make 2,333,000 million Whites (1%) the defacto leaders of the nation.

Are there any true African Nationalist Out There? The goal of many people is to gather up Blacks to sell them out to Whites with money. I heard this same kind of nonsense from Dr. Claude Anderson an octaroon. He wanted to gather Blacks up so some good White people can help them. My question to Dr. Claude Anderson is why not have Good Whites come to Godo Blacks and offer them a piece of their economy and business vs. gathering Blacks up to develop an economy in which a group of Whites will have control.

These crooks and charlatans are abundant.