by Gaspar Yanga

When I was 5 years old, my father gave me an insight of what the rest of my life would be. I was headed to school dressed like a Native and other kids were dressed like pilgrams. We were ironically enough paying homage to Chrisopter of Columbus and of all people European “pilgrams”. I remember my father who throughout his life was a functional alcholic, asking me, son, How do you discover something when someone is already on it? I remember looking preplexed and not undertand this question, but I guessed you don’t. He said exactly. I said why are you asking me this? He said son, do me a favor, enjoy your childhood, have as much fun as possible, because these White people in that school, they got something planned for you, and its nothing good. I guess my father for lack of better words was trying to say son, nothing wrong with you but really didn’t want to go into detail.

The interesting thing is what African parents don’t teach their children, the European will. My father would often drop me off to school and tell me to tolerate the lies in you hear in school. I said is it a better way? He said son, I am in the militry, we are up shits creek, if it was a way to beat these people trust me, I would be all in on it, but for now we just survive. I remember the sober converations we would have and I remember listening to so many lies as a child, and I saw the inflated self esteem the White children would have, and how wounded the Black children would be.

My father majoried in African History in college so any time I would have a question he would answer them with books many written by Whites and som written by Blacks. It would be amaze the contradictions of what I was taught in Christianity and the blatant lies I would listen to my White teachers tell me.

In 2024, White males are once again spreading probably the most insulting propaganda they have ever spread. Somehow that they were the people who ended slavery, as of course as usual they leave of context and tell flat out blatant lies that is not historical but it is seen as a dig at Black people.

The hiliarous notice that the British ended slavery in 1833, which was 19 years after Desssalines abolished the enslavement of Africans in Haiti which was met with a viscious backlash led by the US Government which has waged a non stop war on Haiti. In fact because of Haiti, the White southern colonies began to redude their population of African slaves mysteriosuly. Where did I learn this? At a SEC school, taking History 300 from a Jewish professor of all people. This Jew introduced me to George M. Fredickson. I read many of his books and was blown away about the actual truth of US History that will never be taught in schools.

In the early 2000s, taking Managerial Ethics at a White University, accidentally led me into a amazing study of the history of British colonialism. This is in the foundational stages of Google. This is when Google was really Google, and not the toned down version of Google we have now, largely due to African people in America, waking up and uncovering a history that was hid from them that led to the Eric Sheppard challenge and other Africans like Micah Johnson and Gavin Long retaliatory attacks on White Hegemony.

I will never forget as long as I live Googling: race based policies, and the first thing that popped up wasn’t affirmative action, or even jim crow laws but it was the Colonial Laws of Kenya of all places. I remember seeing Photos in Kenya that said No Blacks Allowed and this was 1954. I was blown away. In the USA many of are use to the phrase”Go Back to Africa” slogan quipped by these ungrateful demons who call themselves Americans. I said to myself, if we went back to Africa we would have been Jim Crowed and in Slavery. I remember it was a video of Kenyans in chains building roads for the British Empire in Kenya. I remember looking at this in my schools computer lab being enragaged, and realizing that Europeans had made a fool of me. That they had been laughing at us the entire time in the USA. 

European arrogance led me down a path that I will never forget, I was 19 years old. I remember researching and studying all the atrocities tha the British commited against Blacks in Africa. I remember looking at Photos and Videos of slavery, jim crow and even mammies. I seen African women in Africa used the same way our ancestors were used in the USA. I remember saying to myself how was this information kept from me. I also knew tha it was kept from Blacks in America on purpose by the USA Government.

I went from nation to nation, reading about the atrocities the British commited in Africa. I said back then I said slavery never ended.

Now you have White people claiming the British who still have a colonial footprint in Africa, robbing the continent blind with the help of Black sellouts making a mockery out of Black people.

Matt Walsh and Elon Musk are basically telling Black men, we know what you done to you, we know what we are doing to you and we dare you to do anything about it.

The White male is challenging the Black male to remove his foot from our necks and the question is will Black men who out number White males 100 to 1 on the planet will oblige.